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The Coffeehouse Investor Blog

Befriending the Bear Thumbnail

Befriending the Bear

Bear markets are a fact of life. I am taking two major steps financially and emotionally to safeguard my future.

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How I Plan to Age Well Thumbnail

How I Plan to Age Well

As I look ahead to the next chapter of my life, I am spending even less time focusing on portfolio strategies and more time contemplating how to embrace the journey of aging gracefully with three key areas.

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Navigating the Future Thumbnail

Navigating the Future

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the headlines about an uncertain economic future, including higher tariffs and lower taxes, and everything else in between. With a three to five-year runway until I retire, you might think I am concerned about these headlines.

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Habits for a Lifetime Thumbnail

Habits for a Lifetime

If you are on a journey to create better habits for yourself, consider these four steps to create a path toward long-term success.

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Women, Winning at Wealth Thumbnail

Women, Winning at Wealth

There is a significant financial shift on the horizon - over the next 23 years, $54 trillion will transfer to widows, with 95% of this wealth going to women.

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Build Your Team Thumbnail

Build Your Team

Teambuilding in your own world, especially as you grow into your retirement years, might just save your bacon, if not your life.

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