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The Coffeehouse Investor Blog

Time to Rebalance?  Thumbnail

Time to Rebalance?

Making adjustments to your stock/bond allocation is a cornerstone of maintaining a well-structured investment strategy so that your need and ability to take on short-term risk can match your quest for higher long-term returns.

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Election Time!  Thumbnail

Election Time!

While it's always good to stay informed, remember that the most important part of any financial strategy is sticking to your long-term plan, regardless of who wins the election

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Crafting Your Own Menu  Thumbnail

Crafting Your Own Menu

The quality of life doesn’t come from obsessing over the financial markets but rather from things that provide deep, lasting joy and meaning: connections, passions, and experiences that make us feel alive.

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What Can You Control? Thumbnail

What Can You Control?

I make an extra effort to remind myself why it's so crucial to stay committed to the three core principles of Coffeehouse Investors —principles that we can control, no matter what's going on in the world.

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