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Move More

“Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication.”

Although this quote is attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci, no one is sure of its origins. 

That doesn’t matter.

It is one of my favorites, and a good one to embrace for the new year. 

By keeping your portfolio simple, you then have time to focus on the planning issues (that aren’t always so simple) that will have a meaningful impact on your financial and emotional well-being. 

To start the new year off right, Dana Smith of The New York Times wrote The 7 Keys to Longevity, a thoughtful piece on simple things you can incorporate into your life to age well. There are a few obvious action steps that lead to longevity in this list but also a few mental health behaviors that you may be ignoring.

- Move More

- Get More Sleep

- Eat more fruits and vegetables

- Don't smoke or drink too much

- Manage chronic conditions like high blood pressure

- Prioritize your relationships

- Develop a positive mindset

What action steps will you embrace this year?

Here’s to a great 2024 and keeping things simple!

Your Best Year Yet

Simplify your investment and financial plan this year. If you have $1 million or more of investible assets and are in or close to retirement, let's connect in a complimentary strategy session with me. We will discuss topics such as your rebalancing approach, your strategy for accumulating wealth while working, and your withdrawal strategy during retirement.